General questions

What are the opening hours of gyms and pools

Please find our opening hours on the Fitness and Aquatic Centre page.

How do I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership, you will need to visit us at either our Gardens Point or Kelvin Grove facility or email

Do you accept cash payments?

We are a cashless facility so everything will need to be paid for by card.

Which cards do you accept?

We accept all card providers except for American Express.

If I forget my towel, will there be towel hire?

Yes, there is towel hire available at both facilities.

Where can I park my bike, scooter or car?

QUT has various cycle and scooter parking options around campus. Parking details can be found here.  If you have any questions, please ask our friendly staff for where best for you to park while you are at our facilities.

How do I get to the facilities?

Our Gardens Point facility is located at: P Block, QUT Gardens Point Campus, 2 Gardens Point Rd, Brisbane City QLD 4000 and our Kelvin Grove facility is located at: 44 Musk Ave, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059 (across from the Woolworths)

Are your facilities accessible?

Both Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove are access friendly into the facility. However, at this stage, only the pool at Gardens Point has a ramp. If you have any other accessibility questions, please reach out to our friendly staff.

I'm part of the Elite Athlete Program, how do I access the Fitness and Aquatic Centres?

Please send a message to and we will be able to help you.

Is the only way to access the gym or pool with a membership?

Our fitness and aquatic centres can be accessed via memberships and visit passes purchased online, or casual entry in venue.

How do I book in for virtual cycling classes?

All bookings for virtual cycling classes and sessions are now done through the QUT Sport portal. Learn more about our virtual cycling classes and sessions.

How do I access personal training sessions?

To book in for personal training sessions, you will first need to purchase one of our personal training packs through the ‘Membership’ tab of the QUT Sport portal. Once you have purchased your pack, you can then register for individual personal training sessions with one of our fantastic trainers via the ‘Get Involved’ tab in the QUT Sport portal.

I am an existing personal training client. Can I book in future sessions through the QUT Sport portal?

Yes, for any future bookings, you will need to speak with your trainer and book these in through the QUT Sport portal.

For existing personal training sessions, we will be confirming your sessions with our trainers and completing the bookings within the QUT Sport portal for you.

Do I need to scan in when I attend a class?

Yes, if you have booked in for a class through the QUT Sport portal, you will need to scan in when you attend your class through either the self-check-in terminal or at our reception desk.

If you have not registered for a class through the QUT Sport portal, please see one of our team members at the reception desk.

Do I get access both facilities?

Yes, your QUT Sport Fitness and Aquatic Centre membership will get you access to both locations.

Purchasing a membership

How do I sign up to the Fitness and Aquatic Centres?

To sign up to the fitness and aquatic centre, create a QUT Sport portal account. If you are a student, staff, or alumni, you will need to active your QUT Sport membership to receive your discounted rate for the fitness and aquatic centre membership. Once you've done this, you can then go ahead and purchase a fitness and aquatic membership.

What if I don't know how to use the QUT Sport portal? Can I sign up in person?

Yes, if you are unsure how to use the QUT Sport portal or are having troubles with signing up, please come in to our facilities and we can help you in person.

I'm under 18 years old. Can I still buy a membership?

If you are under the age of 18, please visit us at either our Gardens Point or Kelvin Grove facility to sign up for membership in person

I have accidentally purchased the wrong membership online and did not receive my student, staff, alumnus or concession card discount. What do I do?

Please talk to one of our friendly team members at either facility or email

Fitness Passport

I am a Fitness Passport member – does anything change for me?

No, the way you access the gym and pool will remain the same and you will need to scan in on arrival. As a Fitness Passport member, you will also have access to the QUT Sport portal to register for classes.

Got a question about the QUT Sport portal?

What is the QUT Sport portal?

The QUT Sport portal is our new online platform for Fitness and Aquatic Centre members to book in to your fitness classes, manage your memberships and update your details. Within the QUT Sport portal, members will also have access to QUT Sport facility hire and select virtual cycling classes (dependent on membership type).

How do I log in to the QUT Sport portal?

You can log in to the QUT Sport portal. All current members as of 30 October have been sent their log in details, however please contact if you are having issues.

Has the way I access the gym or pool changed with the introduction of the QUT Sport portal?

No, the way you access the gym and pool has not changed and you will still need to scan in on arrival. Our friendly team will be there to assist you if you have any issues.

Can I update my contact details online?

Yes, you can now update your contact details through the QUT Sport portal.

Can I freeze or suspend my membership online?

To freeze or suspend your membership, you will need to visit us at either our Gardens Point or Kelvin Grove facility or email

Can I update my financial information (bank details or card details) through the QUT Sport portal?

Yes, you can now update and manage your financial information through the QUT Sport portal.

Can I cancel my membership online?

To cancel your membership, you will need to visit us at either our Gardens Point or Kelvin Grove facility or email

My portal log in details do not seem to be working – who do I contact?

If you are having any issues with your portal account access, please ask one of our team members in venue or email

Do I need to register for a class online to attend?

Yes, please book into your fitness classes through the QUT Sport portal to reserve your spot. Once you arrive, you will then check in at the front desk. If you have any questions or concerns, chat to one of our friendly team members or email us at  .

I am a QUT student, QUT staff member, QUT alumnus or concession card holder. How do I access discounted pricing on memberships and facility hire?

To access discounted pricing, you will first need to activate your free QUT Sport membership in the QUT Sport portal (if you do not have a log in, please sign up and then activate your QUT Sport membership). Once activated, you will automatically have access to discounted pricing on memberships and facility hire when signed in to the QUT Sport portal.

Get in touch

Got a question? Our team is happy to provide assistance and answer your queries.