Research team contacts

Principal Researcher:

Dr Edwina Luck, School of Advertising, Marketing & PR, QUT

Associate Researcher:

Dr Lars Isaksson, School of Advertising, Marketing & PR, QUT

Research Student:

Fatma Gazwiny, AMPR, QUT

What is the purpose of this research?

To investigate the emotional experiences of followers of virtual influencers and the resulting emotions that arise from interacting with them.

Are you looking for people like me?

We are seeking individuals who are:

  • aged over 18
  • following at least one virtual influencer.

What will you ask me to do?

Your participation will involve an audio recording before and after each interaction or viewing of virtual influencer content. In the audio recording, you will describe your emotions before and after this viewing or interaction with virtual influencer content.

For recording, you will use your smart phone's voice memos app for over two weeks of study time, then organise all recordings in a file with a number for each recording and the date of the recording (e.g., 1, 23/2/2024) and send them through via email after completing the whole time of the study, which is two weeks. The audio diary should take between 5 to 10 minutes for over two weeks.

Are there any risks for me in taking part?


Are there any benefits for me in taking part?

This project will benefit you directly by making you aware of your emotions while exposed to virtual influencer content, helping you recognise your emotions and managing the negative effects of following virtual influencers on your wellbeing by managing the negative emotional effects of virtual influencers.

Will I be compensated for my time?

$50 Amazon gift card.

I am interested - what should I do next?


QUT Ethics Number: 8124