Host graduate researchers for short-term placements through our immersion program.

We partner with organisations to provide our graduate researchers with opportunities to explore the range of possible research careers.

We're training the next generation of researchers with industry-ready skills and experiences. Our graduates will be able to translate their skills and expertise beyond universities for real-world impact.

As part of this training, we've developed a comprehensive program for graduate researchers (PhD & Master of Philosophy) to engage with industry during their degrees.

Our immersion placement program has been developed to provide graduate researchers with opportunities to explore the different career options for research graduates and prepare for their future careers.

How it works

An immersion placement is:

  • an opportunity for a graduate researcher to shadow a researcher, industry or community partner
  • 1-30 days in duration (part-time or full-time).

Immersion placement examples include:

  • shadowing a CEO
  • exploring roles in a start-up company
  • shadowing a mentor
  • shadowing a researcher in an R&D department or lab.

The benefits for you are numerous

  • Build and extend relationships with our graduate researchers.
  • Get valuable access to new talent.
  • Ensure our research graduates are ready for the future of your industry or business.

Students benefit from the experience

  • Understand the skills required of the next generation of researchers.
  • Understand the needs of industry to improve research outcomes.
  • Understand themselves in relation to their career development, research and transition to employment.
  • Build their workforce preparation, adaptability and soft skills.
  • Create industry networks, enhance their CV and increase their employability.

Our students come prepared

Our Graduate Research Education and Development framework equips our students with real-world skills and learning outcomes throughout their research journey, helping prepare them for their lives after graduation. Research students can access:

  • a preparation module on design thinking, transdisciplinarity and design sprints
  • opportunities to develop transferable skills
  • career education and support.

Students are briefed on:

  • the purpose and aims of the placement
  • roles, tasks and expectations for meeting learning outcomes
  • workplace rights and responsibilities.

It's important that you, as an industry partner, also provide an induction to the workplace, including supporting students to work in a healthy and safe work environment.

Insurance during placement

Enrolled students participating in approved immersion placements are insured by QUT.

Contact our partnership office at if you require an insurance certificate of currency.

Contact us

Get in touch if you've got questions about our graduate research education program.

For enquiries about our Graduate Research Education and Development (GRE+D) program, email

For enquiries about graduate research industry engagement, email