Research team contacts

Principal Researcher:

Associate Professor Rebecca Byrne, School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences, QUT

What is the purpose of this research?

This research study looks at how the mealtimes practices that early childhood educators and parents use influence children’s food intake, behaviour, and self-regulation.

Are you looking for people like me?

You can participate in this study if:

  • you are a parent of a child who is between 24-35 months of age, who attends long day care at least three days per week
  • you are an early childhood educator who cares for children between 24-35 months of age in long day care
  • your long day centre is in South-East Queensland.

What will you ask me to do?

You will both each be asked to fill out an online survey about the child that takes 20-25 minutes.

Parents will be asked to report three days of their child’s food intake. This will be done over the telephone using what is called a 24-hour recall.

The educator will be asked to fill in a food diary for the child on one day, and give it to the parent, ready for their phone call.

Rebecca will measure the child’s weight and height and play a short game that measures self-regulation.

These measures are done again in six months and twelve months’ time.

Are there any risks for me in taking part?

There are no risks beyond normal day-to-day living associated with your participation in this study.

Are there any benefits for me in taking part?

The outcomes of the research may benefit all children in early childhood education centres, as the results will be used to develop practical resources for parents and educators to use when feeding children.

Educators and Directors might use this study as evidence in a Quality Improvement Plan to show how your centre is meeting the revised Early Years Learning Framework V2.0 and National Quality Standards.

Will I be compensated for my time?

If you choose to participate, Rebecca is offering e-gift vouchers to thank parents and educators after they complete each online survey.

I am interested - what should I do next?

Let Rebecca know by filling in your details. You can read a detailed information sheet and Rebecca will call you about the study:

Learn more and complete the expression of interest

QUT Ethics Number: 6400