Research team contacts

Principal Researcher:

Associate Professor Leonie Simpson, School of Computer Science, QUT

Associate Researcher:
Research Student:

Karen Hargreave, School of Computer Science, QUT

What is the purpose of this research?

The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact that rapidly evolving events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and recent natural disasters have had on the way people and small businesses use and secure their digital devices and information. These devices include computers, phones, tablets, “smart” or connected devices as well as items such as network connection devices like modems. I want to understand how these rapidly evolving environments have changed the way people use these devices for both work and leisure.

Are you looking for people like me?

This phase of study is seeking a diverse group of participants who are in Australia and over the age of 18. Main categories for this study are individual technology users, small business owners and owners of technology businesses. Varying levels of technical literacy are being sought to provide a greater range of data. The results from this study will be used to inform further research into this field.

What will you ask me to do?

Your participation will involve an audio recorded interview (either online or face to face) that will take approximately one (1) hour.

Are there any risks for me in taking part?

There is a possible risk that participants who have been impacted by a cyber incident or rapidly evolving event may experience trigger-related distress from discussing topics around these events. The researchers are able to provide information for a range of services for participants who may experience distress.

Are there any benefits for me in taking part?

This study will discuss the topic of cyber security, this discussion may provide an opportunity for self-reflection and self-assessment which may indirectly lead to self-improvement. You will also receive a specialised information sheet that is tailored to your participation group that provides a collection of tips and tricks to strengthen your cyber resilience.

Will I be compensated for my time?

No, but we would very much appreciate your participation in this research.

I am interested - what should I do next?

If you would like more information or to participate in this study, please contact the researcher on

QUT Ethics Number: 6277