7th July 2009

QUT researchers who have spent the past few years studying a mini-protein which could inhibit tumour spread in prostate cancer sufferers have received international attention.

Dr Jonathan Harris, a senior lecturer in Queensland University of Technology's Faculty of Science, and PhD student Joakim Swedberg, both from the University's Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, are working on a naturally occurring molecule found in sunflower seeds which can block certain activities cancer relies on.

"Dr Harris's research attracted the attention of Cell Press in the US, who published details about the study in the latest Journal Chemistry & Biology."

"The report was basically summing up everything we have done so far, as it is hoped that as the study continues, it will be very useful for future researchers and will bring some good news for prostate cancer patients," he said.

"Our interest is in this mini-protein as a potential treatment of prostate cancer, in particular for those patients who relapse.

"The best thing to do in those cases is block the disease spreading to other organs, particularly the spine, which is very debilitating; it is not the prostate tumour that kills you, it is when the cancer cells escape from the prostate so we want to prevent that."

Another QUT researcher, Professor Judith Clements, had previously shown that the action of enzymes called proteases was a key event in tumour spread, and Dr Harris said that the sunflower mini-protein, known as the protease inhibitor, was able to block these enzymes in test tube-based trials.

"However, it also inhibits a whole range of proteases, some of which control important processes in the body, so we have re-engineered the molecule so it should just block the proteases produced in prostate cancer and hence stop tumour spreading, whilst leaving other processes intact," he said.

"The dream end-product is having a drug which could be produced in sunflower seeds and given as a simple dietary supplement for people with prostate cancer."

Media contact: Sharon Thompson, Media Officer - 3138 4494 or sharon.thompson@qut.edu.au
**Hi-res pic available for media

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