Mrs Sinead Prince

Profile image of Mrs Sinead Prince

Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Law

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QUT Postgraduate Research Award (QUTPRA) (Domestic) Scholarship
Faculty of Business & Law,
School of Law


Sinead has been a sessional academic at QUT since 2022. She has tutored in LWS101, Ethics, Law and Healthcare since 2022, and written and delivered a lecture for this unit. She has also marked in a variety of health law related undergraduate and postgraduate units since 2022, including LLH471, LWN164, and LLH401.

She has undertaken professional development training by undergoing the QUT Teaching Advantage intensive course in 2023 and undertaken other workshops including Creating Engaging Environments and Assessment and Feedback through QUT.



Research outputs by year

QUT ePrints

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