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Found 8 matching student topics

Displaying 1–8 of 8 results


This project is exploring the regulation of greenwashing in Australia, and elsewhere. It is investigating the environmental, sustainability and climate claims made by companies in a variety of industries including energy, vehicles, household products and appliances, food and drink packaging, cosmetics, clothing and footwear. It is exploring the impact of misleading environmental and sustainability claims on consumers. It is compiling a database of disputes and controversies over greenwashing. This project is analysing various modes of regulation of greenwashing. It highlights …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Centre for Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology

Digital publics

Digital and social media platforms provide new opportunities for public communication, and the formation of distinct publics and communities around shared interests and identities. Such publics may engage in political debate, popular media fandom, science communication, vernacular creativity, and other activities; but they may also be affected by, or actively engage in promoting, mis- and disinformation and other problematic content. Their activities are also shaped by the features and affordances of the platforms they use, from Facebook and Twitter to …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Communication
Research centre(s)
Digital Media Research Centre

Interaction design for enhanced science communication and citizen science

Science communication is typically done by scientists, but interaction designers and artists have the capacity to create for people's engagement. Technology and design for active engagement, such as embodied interaction design, can leverage people's understanding and engage them in more effective and sustainable behaviours. For example, invasive mosquitoes are one area of citizen science that poses significant risk to our environment and health in SEQ yet is little understood by the general population. Mosquito borne disease is a major killer …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Design

Investigating Australian consumer perspectives on smart home products

Technological advancements such as information and communication technologies, artificial intelligence, internet-of-things, robotics, and the increasing popularity of the smart city and smart living movements during the last couple of decades have created and intensified a boom of the smart home industry. At present, digital technology applications uptake in homes has become common and increasingly changed people’s lifestyles. Smart home technology provides a suite of independently and remotely controlled software and hardware connected to a network to deliver smart living. Smart …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Architecture and Built Environment

Investigating effectiveness of local government social media channels

As social media becomes more intertwined into our daily lives, having an online presence on social media has become common not just in the private but also in the public sectors. The use of social media in local governments has shown great potential in terms of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of citizen-government communication. It has also been effective in terms of increasing citizen engagement and participation. Therefore, this research project seeks to discover how do local governments leverage the …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Architecture and Built Environment

Mathematical modelling of cell-to-cell communication via extracellular vesicles (EVs)

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane bound packages of information constantly being released by all living cells, including bacteria. There are many types and sizes of EVs. Each EV type contains its own distinctive cargo consisting of characteristic DNA, RNA, and proteins. We are just beginning to understand the many roles of EVs to maintain the health of the cell producing the EVs, and to communicate with other cell types that take up the EVs produced by neighbouring cells. Since EVs …

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences

A mathematical model of disrupting cell-to-cell communication by bacteria

The emergence of resistance of bacteria to antibiotics presents a global healthcare challenge that intensifies the search for strategies to increase the effcacy of therapy. Several mechanisms are involved in resistance of bacteria against antibiotics such as mutations in genes, horizontal gene transfer, and biofilm formation. Bacteria can communicate with each other through production and response to local concentration of small molecules called autoinducers.This mechanism is called quorum sensing (QS).It has been suggested that QS can influence the resistance of …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Computational communication and culture

The Computational Communication and Culture research program within the Digital Media Research Centre investigates how rapid advances in computation and human-machine communication are transforming society, through automation and AI, the Internet of Things, and disintermediating technologies such as blockchain. We draw on and extend computer science and critical humanities theory and methods (including agent-based modelling, machine vision, critical simulation, and information visualisation) to help explore and explain emergent phenomena in the digital media environment, including the fundamental transformation of communication …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
School of Communication
Research centre(s)
Digital Media Research Centre

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