Future You Summit

QUT’s Future You Summit provides students in Year 11 and 12 a taste of university life. Students will have the opportunity to expand their skill sets beyond the classroom and explore future career ambitions with like-minded peers.

Delivered in the June/July school holidays, participants will be treated like real QUT undergraduate students, with access to QUT's world class facilities across both Brisbane campuses, and participating in a program encompassing all QUT study areas:

  • law and business
  • creative industries, education and social justice
  • science, maths and technology
  • engineering and the built environment
  • health.

Students will choose from discipline-based program streams, which have been designed to inspire, engage and up-skill students in their areas of interest.

Key Dates

  • 25 March - Applications open
  • 29 April - Applications close
  • 24 May - Selection outcome released
  • 1-5 July - Future You Summit

Program dates

Monday 1 July to Friday 5 July

  • 4-day immersive university experience highlighting life as a QUT student
  • attend discipline specific workshops from your chosen QUT study areas
  • connect with QUT undergraduate students, academics and industry in interactive sessions that are designed to expand your skills and provide insights for your future.
Monday 1 July Tuesday 2 July Wednesday 3 July Thursday 3 July Friday 5 July
Accommodated students arrival at accommodation Registration and welcome for all participants at GP campus 8.15am Registration at GP campus 8.15am Registration at GP campus 8.15am Registration at GP campus
Orientation and interactive session Interactive session and discipline session Interactive session and discipline session Inspired success and entrepreneurship session
Accommodation welcome and orientation Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
Interactive session Discipline session Discipline session Closing ceremony
End of day
End of day
End of day
End of day

All sessions of the Future You Summit program are compulsory to attend.


QUT Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove campus.


Registration cost for successful applicants is $50. This amount will be redeemable at QUT food retailers for meals during the week.

QUT aims to make this program as accessible as possible. Support for eligible students will be offered by QUT's Widening Participation program. Visit the 'participation support' tab for more information.

Promotional kit

Help promote this event in your school communications with our handy promotional tools.

Download the Future You Summit promotion kit (PDF file, 452.9 KB)

Download the Future You Summit poster (PDF file, 418.8 KB)

View the social media tile

View the email banner

Applications for 2024 are closed.


To be eligible for selection, you must:

  • be an ATAR eligible or International Baccalaureate (IB) student in Year 11 or Year 12 (2024)
  • be planning to pursue university studies after finishing Year 12
  • have received one or more A in the previous year of study (2023) from any ATAR eligible subject; or one or more 7 in any IB subject
  • be able to attend all summit program dates
  • be from Queensland or Northern NSW
  • not have attended a previous Future You Summit event.

If you would like us to be aware of any special considerations or have questions relating to your eligibility, contact the team for confidential support – highschool.engage@qut.edu.au.

Diversity, access and inclusion are important to QUT. We welcome applications from students from underrepresented backgrounds.

Application details

Students are required to submit an online application form with supporting documents, including:

  • a teacher recommendation
  • proof of academic achievement
  • answers to all required application questions
  • preferences for your preferred summit stream.

Teacher recommendation

Ask a teacher, head of department or principal to recommend you for the Future You Summit. You will need to provide your recommending teachers name and email in the online application form.

Once you have submitted your application, your recommending teacher will automatically be sent the link to the online teacher recommendation form. Teachers will be asked about your leadership qualities, engagement with your schoolwork and other school related activities, and how you interact with your peers. You will not get to see their responses.

Academic achievement

You will need to provide proof that you meet the academics achievement criteria by uploading a copy of your 2023 school report. To be eligible to attend the Future You Summit, students must have received at least one (or more) A in any ATAR eligible subject or at least one (or more) 7 in any IB subject in their previous year of study.

Application questions

As well as all the required general information about yourself, you will be asked to write some extended answers to the questions. We suggest drafting the answers to the questions in a separate document. You don’t want to lose everything if something happens while you are completing your online application form.

Why do you want to attend the QUT Future You Summit program and how does this link to your future career ambition?

Tell us why you want to come to the summit. What benefits can you get from attending and also what can you bring to the summit?

Tell us why you chose your first preference of stream. How does it relate to the area of study you are interested in? Looking ahead, how do you plan to use your university studies to support a cause you're passionate about and create a positive impact?

We want you to convey what you are genuinely passionate about. What are you interested in studying and how would you use the knowledge gained at university to make a real difference in the world?

List any extra-curricular activities you participate in as well as any awards or achievements you have received.

Highlight your involvement in activities outside the classroom from Year 9 onwards. Activities could include an academic extension program, school clubs, sports, a paid job, volunteering, competitions, student exchanges and more. Awards could include captaincies, scholarships, club or competition prizes.

Tell us about how your involvement in the activities listed above has developed your critical skills like teamwork, communication, leadership, personal responsibility, creative and critical thinking.

Elaborate on the valuable lessons you've learned and describe how your involvement has helped position you as an outstanding candidate for the summit.

Select your stream preferences.

In your application form you will need to select your top three preferences.

Review the stream options for the summit (PDF file, 254.5 KB)

Review and submit

Check your application, make sure the required uploads are attached and hit the submit button. We look forward to receiving your application.

How you will be assessed

Selection is carried out by a panel of QUT staff.

You will be assessed on:

  • answers to application questions
  • academic achievement
  • involvement in extra-curricular activities
  • contributions to their school and/or local community
  • teacher recommendation.

Successful applicants

You will receive email notification by Friday 24 May 2024.

Successful applicants will be asked to formally accept their place at the Future You Summit and pay a $50 non-refundable registration fee.

Diversity, access and inclusion are important to QUT. We welcome applications from students from underrepresented backgrounds. Additional support is available, please refer to the ‘Participation support’ section on this website.

Support available

Support is available for successful students from underrepresented groups (rural, low socio-economic, Indigenous and Pasifika backgrounds) who face barriers to attending this experience.

Support options include:

  • registration support
  • accommodation assistance if you live more than 100km away from QUT Gardens Point campus
  • travel bursaries to assist you in getting to campus.

You do not need to apply separately for funding assistance. If you're an eligible applicant, you will be identified from your Future You Summit application and contacted with further information if you're successful in securing a place at the summit.

Registration support

Your registration fee will be waived if you're an eligible successful applicant.

Accommodation assistance

Accommodation assistance includes four nights accommodation in shared boarding facilities at a local school, as well as dinner and breakfast during the stay. Further information will be provided if you're an eligible successful applicant.

Travel bursaries

You may be eligible to receive a travel bursary by way of a public transport voucher or in some circumstances flights and taxi vouchers.

If you have any questions about support available contact us at highschool.engage@qut.edu.au.

QUT Scholars program

QUT Scholars is a cohort of next generation leaders that have been accepted into QUT’s exclusive high school engagement enrichment programs. All Future You Summit participants are inducted into our scholars program. The program offers:

  • QUT Ambassadors career advice
  • invitations to exclusive events and activities
  • Open Day Reunion.

Connect with current QUT students

Throughout the experience, you will get to engage with our student ambassadors, who are current QUT students. They're always happy to have a chat about their studies, their future plans and ambitions, and what uni student life is really like, so take the opportunity to learn from their experiences.

Connect with QUT Staff

Attendees of the Future You Summit have a unique opportunity to engage with many of our teaching, research and professional staff. All offering valuable insight into QUT and career pathways. Each discipline session will be led by a QUT academic or researcher. These staff are leaders in their fields, passionate about delivering the best outcomes for students and make a positive impact.

Connect with industry

The program will feature local industry leaders and entrepreneurs. Each sharing their career journeys and also offering insight into the future. There will be representatives from many different industries and organisations. Come ready to network.

Future You Summit

Teachers, stay in touch

To keep up with the latest information on events, workshops and key dates with our regular newsletter, subscribe to our mailing list.

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Please refer to the Privacy Collection Notice for more information.


Contact us

If you have any questions, comments or feedback about the QUT High School Student Connections program, we'd love to hear from you.