Research team contacts

Associate Researcher:

Professor Kerryann Walsh, School of Early Childhood & Inclusive Education, QUT

Associate Professor Sonia White, School of Early Childhood & Inclusive Education, QUT

Dr Lyra L'Estrange, School of Early Childhood & Inclusive Education, QUT

Research Student:

Yuejiao Wu, Early Childhood & Inclusive Education, QUT

Research Centre / Group:

Centre for Child and Family Studies

Industry partner:

Not applicable

What is the purpose of this research?

This PhD study aims to develop and test a new tool to assess schools’ readiness for child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention education. It will enable understanding about the status of schools’ readiness, and the factors influencing schools’ readiness. The results of the study will be used to develop strategies to support schools.

Are you looking for people like me?

We are looking for about 500-1000 primary school principals, deputy principals, health and physical education teachers, teachers or other school staff who lead delivery of CSA prevention education, personal safety education, or protective behaviours education to complete a survey and help us understand schools’ readiness for CSA prevention education in Australia.

What will you ask me to do?

Participation will involve completing an online anonymous survey that might take 30 minutes of your time. The survey is hosted on the Qualtrics secure survey platform.

Are there any risks for me in taking part?

The risks of participation are mainly inconvenience, but there is a possibility that there may be some discomfort because although the topic is not about child sexual abuse it is about schools’ readiness for prevention education. If you are concerned about being exposed to questions about schools’ readiness, we understand completely if you choose not to participate.

Are there any benefits for me in taking part?

It is not expected that this research project will directly benefit you. However, your contribution will be greatly appreciated and will help us to understand the factors influencing primary schools’ readiness for CSA prevention education in Australia. The results of this study will be used to develop strategies to support schools.

Will I be compensated for my time?

Participants will not be compensated for their time.

I am interested - what should I do next?

Access the participant information sheet and take the survey

QUT Ethics Number: 5762