Research team contacts

Principal Researcher:

Dr Ayesha Tulloch, School of Biology & Environmental Science, QUT

Associate Researcher:

Professor Kerrie Wilson, School of Biology & Environmental Science, QUT

Dr Angela Guerrero Gonzalez, School of Architecture & Built Environment, QUT

Dr Angela Dean, QUT

Research Student:

Erica Cseko Nolasco, School of Biology and Environmental Sciences, QUT

Industry partner:

The New South Wales Biodiversity Conservation Trust

What is the purpose of this research?

This study looks into private landcare and its benefit for people and nature. For us, private landcare means any land management that promotes healthy landscapes and wildlife. Our results will produce information for agencies, like the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust, on ways to help landholders benefit more from nature management, including conservation agreements and tree planting.

Are you looking for people like me?

We are looking for farmers from Central West and Central Tablelands, New South Wales that have conservation agreements or are boosting nature in their lands.

What will you ask me to do?

You are invited to participate in a chat (interview) that will take about one hour. During our chat, you will be asked questions about the impacts of your farm management choices on your life and the natural environment and what support you need to improve the health of the environment on your farm.

Are there any risks for me in taking part?

We expect this to be like a chat as one you would have with a friend or family member. There is a chance that a topic you might mention upsets you but it is unlikely. You will be in charge of what you share with us and what questions you choose to answer.

Are there any benefits for me in taking part?

There are no direct benefits to you but our results will produce information for agencies, like the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust, on ways to help landholders benefit more from nature management, including conservation agreements and tree planting.

Will I be compensated for my time?

The study is voluntary, and your time is highly appreciated. There is no compensation provided.

I am interested - what should I do next?

To arrange a day, time and location for the interview, contact Erica Nolasco (study manager) on 0493 816 167 or via

QUT Ethics Number: 6387