Research team contacts

Associate Researcher:

Dr Natalie Watson-Brown, School of Psychology & Counselling, QUT

Professor Ioni Lewis, School of Psychology & Counselling, QUT

Dr Sebastien Demmel, School of Psychology & Counselling, QUT

Research Student:

Amber Conn, Psychology & Counselling, QUT

Research Centre / Group:


What is the purpose of this research?

This research project is being undertaken as part of a PhD study for Amber Conn. You are invited to participate in this research project about the long-term effects of covid.

We know that Covid-19 is having longer term effects on some people who recover from the initial infection. We are hoping by finding out about these prolonged symptoms and this will deepen our understanding and knowledge base. Additionally, we seek to find out more about the impacts of prolonged symptoms to a person’s abilities to participate in life activities, such as driving.

Are you looking for people like me?

We are looking for people who are:

  • aged 18-65 years
  • English speaking
  • live in Australia
  • do not have a neurological or psychological or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) diagnosis, and are not recovering from brain injury symptoms.

You do not need to have experienced long covid to participate, as everyone’s experience helps us know more. The two groups of people we are asking to be involved in this study are:

  1. People who have experienced Long Covid.
  2. People who have not experienced Long Covid.

What will you ask me to do?

Participation will involve completing a less than 20-minute online survey.

You will be asked questions about your relevant medical history, whether or not prolonged symptoms from a covid infection have affected you and your life activities. Mostly these questions will be multiple choice.

Are there any risks for me in taking part?

Some risks have been identified in your participating in the survey: sensitivity or discomfort to health-related questions including rating symptoms and impacts to daily life, and questions about Long Covid, for those person’s who are experiencing symptoms. Some people may be concerned about collection of this information as potentially sensitive personal information.

Efforts will be made to reduce the risks of discomfort or distress as a result of involvement in this study.  We endeavour to make the survey easy to access, use, and understand. You can cease your participation at any time by exiting the survey and closing your browser. A ‘prefer not to answer’ option will be provided for most questions to enable you the choice and control over the information you feel comfortable disclosing, however, we hope you will contribute information to this study to enhance its usefulness.

Should you experience discomfort or distress as a result of your participation in this survey, please speak to your doctor or health professional or a support person.  Additionally, Lifeline can be contacted on 13 11 14 for 24-hour telephone crisis support, and we have created a resource page of free services for you to access which is linked at the start and completion of this survey for your convenience.

Are there any benefits for me in taking part?

It is expected that this research project will not directly benefit you. The outcomes of the research, however, may contribute to a better understanding of Long Covid symptoms and the impacts on daily living.

You can read the summary of results of this research that you participated in, at QUT Research, or you can request a summary of the results by emailing a request to

Will I be compensated for my time?

To recognise your contribution to the research, should you choose to participate, and complete the survey, you will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw for 1 of 4 Amazon $50 e-vouchers.

If you are successful winner of the prize draw which will be drawn at the end of the study project, we will email you your voucher. The terms and conditions are found here and are also attached to the survey.

I am interested - what should I do next?

Please click the following link to find out more and see if participation is right for you:

If you are interested in participating or have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at

QUT Ethics Number: 7516