22nd August 2018

Are you a female STEM student (second-year or above) interested in a paid internship? Join our Austmine internship information session. 

The METS sector is one of Australia’s best kept secrets. It employs three times as many people as the mining sector, is the source of 75% of all mining innovation and is home to dynamic, agile and exciting technology companies.

However, the METS sector is currently facing a shortage of female employees with a STEM background. This is where you come in.

We're hosting an information session about a paid 10-12 week Austmine internship program over the summer break. This program is open to female STEM students in their second, third or fourth undergraduate year, or studying their masters, in any STEM discipline.

To see what positions are currently available, visit the Austmine website.

QUT Science and Engineering students can register for the information session here.



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