Adjunct Professor
John Humphrey

Profile image of Adjunct Professor John Humphrey

Personal details

Research field

Other law and legal studies

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • Bachelor of Laws (University of Queensland)

Professional memberships and associations

  • Member, Australian Takeovers Panel, 2011 – 2014
  • Member, International Firm Management Committee, King & Wood Mallesons, 2012 – 2013
  • Deputy Chairman, King & Wood Mallesons, 2010 – 2012; 2002 – 2005
  • Board Member, King & Wood Mallesons, 2009 – 2012; 2000 – 2005
  • Chair, Firm Audit Committee, King & Wood Mallesons, 2010 – 2012; 2003 – 2005
  • Chair, Board Strategy Committee, King & Wood Mallesons, 2010 -2012
  • Member, Consultative Group advising the Commonwealth Task Force on the Simplification of Australia's Corporate Laws, 1993 – 1996
  • State President and National Vice President, Securities Institute of Australia, 1992 – 1996


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