Adjunct Professor
Andrew Hills

Profile image of Adjunct Professor Andrew Hills

Personal details


Body composition, Childhood obesity, Exercise, Obesity, Physical activity, Weight control

Research field

Sports science and exercise

Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2020


  • PhD (University of Queensland)
  • MSc (University of Oregon)
  • BEd (University of Tasmania)

Professional memberships and associations

Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity (ASSO)

  • Foundation member since 1992;
  • Executive Council member and Secretary, 1996-1999;
  • Vice-President, 1999-2001
  • President, 2001-2003

Australian Association for Exercise and Sports Science (AAESS)

  • Editor, National Newsletter of AAESS, 1992-1997;
  • National Board member, 1996-1997

International Council for Physical Activity and Fitness Research (ICPAFR)

  • Secretary-Treasurer, elected 1998-2002

European College of Sport Science


Teaching highlights
HMB172 Nutrition and Physical Activity
HMB277 Exercise and Sports Nutrition
HMB377 Children in Sport


QUT ePrints

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