
The QUT Sustainability Action Plan seeks to set challenging new standards for campus performance, expand education opportunities for students, and provide support for research, teaching, and collaboration.

Download the QUT Sustainability Action Plan (PDF file, 9.8 MB)

Download the QUT Sustainability Action Plan Progress Report (PDF file, 1.9 MB)

Sustainability in action

Our strategic plan 'Connections' features Sustainability and the Environment as one of five priorities.

QUT purchases 50% of its electricity from the Columboola Solar Farm in Western Queensland, reducing our annual carbon emissions (CO2e) by 20,000 tonnes.

We are taking action by:

  • enhancing research aimed at mitigating and adapting to the impact of climate change
  • extending the public understanding of environmental challenges, including climate change
  • partnering with industry to develop new ways of lighting, feeding and moving the world
  • embedding sustainability into our curricula and our practices
  • measuring and seeking to reduce the environmental impact of operating the university.

Our framework

We are transforming QUT into a sustainable university committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We use the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a framework to guide the development of the goals and targets for our Sustainability Action Plan.

Our sustainability targets and priority actions for operating the university will progress our commitment to reduce our carbon emissions. We will engage staff and students in our sustainability commitment.

Climate response

Climate adaptation and resilience


Education for sustainability

Research for sustainability









Built environment

Environmental compliance

Engagement and behaviour change

Contact us

Get in touch with us for more information on the QUT Sustainability Action Plan.