Coming together for education and inspiration
The message stick is a symbol of the Indigenous community and QUT coming together to promote education and inspiration.
Murri School students presented message sticks to university representatives at the ceremony to launch our Reconciliation Statement.
The message sticks were created by Russell Greete at the Kulkathil Community Skill Centre.
The message sticks were accompanied by the following explanation:
This message stick is symbolic of a new beginning where we all contribute to the educational, economic and cultural wellbeing of all people. It represents new and old cultures coming together and creating memories for the future.
Information technology and knowledge-sharing are not new to Indigenous people, and the message stick you have received is symbolic of the vision of the Indigenous community and QUT's desire to come together, to recognise each other's strengths and weaknesses, and to forge new paths and relationships in the future.
We can, and should, engage in discovering and rediscovering ways of thinking that will allow us to take action and become inspired - together.
What is the message on the message stick?
The message you have received can only be truly understood if you embrace the reality of recognition, responsibility and commitment - the need to create a balance that benefits us all.
The symbols on the message stick show our logo integrated with knowledge sharing. The diagonal cuts represent the year 2001 in Roman numerals.
Keep this message stick in a visible position at your workplace as a reminder to work towards reconciliation every day.
The message is what you make it.