
By Dr Antony Peloso

The Agribusiness sector is a significant contributor to the Australian economy. The Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment reported in its March 2020 findings that Australia’s agricultural sector had remained resilient in 2019–20 despite prolonged drought and widespread bushfires. This is largely driven by demand for livestock and livestock products in Asia, although the outlook might very well quickly change.

Austrade similarly notes that investment, innovation and forward‑thinking are characteristics of the agri‑industries in Australia, that strongly suggest ongoing future growth and successes.

The structure of the sector overall is supported by a well‑funded and efficient logistics and supply chain mechanism, which also enables effective export links and access to global markets.

The key enablers of success, as suggested by IBIS are based around:

  1. Access to technology and techniques.
  2. Enabling economies of scale and engagement with the logistics supply chain.
  3. Focusing on export markets and products that are market-oriented; and
  4. Beneficial climatic conditions.

This report concludes that many of these enablers of success are within the domain, and at least partial control, of the relevant eco‑system and more specifically the businesses themselves.

It is suggested that whilst the agri‑sector as a whole is well‑placed in terms of technology, access and advanced operating and strategic capabilities, it would greatly benefit from seeking access to high level strategic and innovative business model advice, and ideally enhance these capabilities inhouse.

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