Mia Ciampi

Over the course of my degree I have been told countless times the importance of gaining work experience.

Naïve, and probably a little bit lazy, I brushed off the idea until my fourth year at QUT. By this point, all of my fellow students had either secured or completed internships. I was a little freaked out and immediately started researching PR internships in the Brisbane area.

Utilising my networks, I managed to secure a public relations and marketing internship with the organisation House Call Doctor. I headed to my first day a little unsure of corporate attire, the location, and what I was even going to be doing. My stress immediately disappeared as an extremely friendly team greeted me. After a very positive team meeting, I was given my tasks for the day and off I went.

My experiences so far have been great at House Call Doctor, and I wanted to share some insight about the life on an intern.

Adding value

As an intern you may not be given tasks that are always exciting or thought provoking, however every task you complete adds value to the company. On my first day, I was asked to complete a spreadsheet researching general practitioners in the Gold Coast area. In the wider scheme of things, my task would contribute to search engine optimisation (SEO) and networking figures for the organisation. Understanding the bigger picture will help you value the task at hand, and keep you motivated.

Being efficient

You want to make an impact in an organised and professional way. Always ask questions before you start a task, this way you have a clear idea of what is needed of you. When you are completing tasks, think about presenting information that can be easily understood. I’m a little OCD so when I complete tasks for House Call Doctor I always present them in the most organised way. Make your best attempt at doing this and trust me your work will not go unnoticed.

Working on constructive feedback

Accept any kind of feedback whether it is positive or negative. Whether it’s rewriting a blog piece or fixing up minor errors in a media release, any feedback will help you further your skills and knowledge. This will show the organisation you care about being there and that you want to improve. After all, this could land you a job in the future.

Making friends

Networking is key to any job or internship. It can assist in understanding the company, who you need to know, and where the potential opportunities are. My tips for you would be to never eat lunch alone, always start up a conversation and listen! That way, your colleagues get to know who you are, and you can showcase the best parts of you in a more casual way.

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