Library access

Lifelong library membership after you graduate means that you can get access to scholarly resources, services, facilities and select online databases through a free annual subscription.


QUT alumni who have graduated from an award course have free access to a subset of the library's databases.

Access databases


Apply for or renew alumni borrowing membership by completing the online membership form before your first visit back to the library.

Apply for library borrowing

Alumni authors directory

We are collating a comprehensive list of books written over the years by our talented alumni. Our current collection is accessible through the QUT library. Results are sorted by publication date from newest to oldest. If you or an alumnus you know would like to submit your book for consideration, contact the QUT library.

Join Alumni authors directory


20% off photography with Elite Photographics

Elite Photographics was the official photographer at your QUT graduation ceremony.

Now, as an alumnus, you can access 20% off Elite Photographics’ other services including corporate event photography and in-house studio services such as head shots and business portraits.

Email for more information.

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