Terms and Conditions

By submitting this form I agree to the following conditions:

  • Key authority must be arranged prior to attending site
  • User ID and pins are not to be given to anyone but the assigned individual (If found doing so access will be removed immediately)
  • You have responsibility for any people who are provided access with your assigned keys to ensure that they are competent persons.
  • I acknowledge that if any Key(s) are lost the total cost associated with re-keying and providing replacement keys will be met by our company
  • Roof access or works at height require a “QUT Roof Access and Work at Heights Permit”
  • Confined Space works require a “QUT Confined Space Entry Permit”
  • Hot works that will be undertaken require a Hot Works Permit
  • Works in PC2/PC3 labs are restricted zones and require FM BIO Safety training and Pre-approval before entering

Contractor key access request form

Personal information
QUT online induction completed * You must have completed the QUT FM Online Training module.
Keys required

Please only nominate the buildings requiring access

Campus * Please only nominate the buildings requiring access
Select all that apply
Type of key *
Project manager

For additional permits listed in Terms and Conditions contact your QUT FM Project Manager directly