Help us represent you as accurately as possible by selecting words that best describe you.
These words will be added as keywords/meta tags alongside your image in QUT’s image repository (an internal database). By telling us how you identify, others may be inspired to take the next step in their education journey knowing that there are people like them at QUT.
Please note:
- The tags you specify will influence where your image is used. For example, if you tick LGBTIQA+, your image may be used in Content relating to QUT’s LGBTIQA+ communities.
- This is how keywords and tags appear within QUT’s image repository: Image view
- These identifiers are not meant to be comprehensive and won’t be used for statistical purposes. They reflect groups we want to empower, and represent in QUT’s online and print material more often.
Tick the words that you are comfortable appearing alongside your image:
Copyright in Content submitted must be owned by the submitter, jointly owned by the submitter, or must be licensed in such a way that use of that Content by QUT does not infringe copyright. If copyright is jointly owned, you must have the consent of the other copyright owners to submit the Content. QUT will not intervene in disputes between joint Content owners, and excludes all liability arising out of, or in connection with jointly owned copyright Content.
Your content will be used by QUT in accordance with MOPP F/5.1 Copyright.
- I agree that QUT, its employees, agents, and licensees can use my image or photograph/video/ audio recording of me, with or without my name, in any media, for commercial or non-commercial purposes such as education, marketing, advertising, publicity or general display. Media may include QUT or third party publications, websites and broadcasts.
- I agree that I will make no claim against QUT for any payment or fee for my image or Content (as applicable) appearing in any media, or in promotional material, publications, and advertisements. I release QUT from any other claims arising out of the University’s use of my image or Content.
- The information collected on this form will be dealt with by QUT in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and the QUT Information Privacy Policy (MOPP F/6.2). Any Personal Information will be used by QUT for the stated purposes.