Dr Sam Clifford

Profile image of Dr Sam Clifford

Personal details

Research field


Field of Research code, Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2008


  • PhD (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) Mathematics (Queensland University of Technology)


Dr Clifford is the unit coordinator and lecturer for SEB113 - Quantitative Methods in Science, a first year unit in the Bachelor of Science. The unit equips students with knowledge and skills in data visualisation, linear algebra, calculus, and statistical modelling through problem based learning and case studies from the sciences. In 2015 the SEB113 teaching team, led by Dr Clifford, was awarded a Vice-Chancellor's Performance Award for their work redesigning the unit. Dr Clifford's interests in teaching include introducing first year students to mathematical and statistical modelling as a creative exercise, the use of the R software to create reproducible analyses and effective visualisations, and ensuring students are aware of the level of mathematics and statistics required to study science such as the development of a diagnostic tool for all incoming Bachelor of Science students to help guide them towards an appropriate mathematics unit for their first semester of study.


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