Our programs

Year 13 Transition and Pathway Support

Explore Your Future will partner with schools and support initiatives that connect Year 13 students to careers and pathways that will best support their future, regardless of their career aspiration.

Categories: Careers and pathways

Year levels: 13

Duration: 60 - 70 min

Capacity: 100 - 120 students

Delivery mode: In school

Zoomed-In Science

Zoomed-In Science is a virtual outreach program that brings real scientific research laboratories directly into the primary classroom. Students meet and interact with real scientists in their own labs through stimulating age-appropriate live and interactive online presentations that involve experiments, educational talks, and two-way discussions. The program enhances student engagement in curriculum-aligned STEM areas. The online nature of the program allows us to engage with diverse and far-reaching audiences from remote and regional communities, as well as offer students’ activities that are not possible to undertake in school environments.

Categories: Science, Academic Support & Skills

Year levels: 5, 6

Duration: 60 - 70 min

Capacity: Class or club groups 8 - 32 students

Delivery mode: Virtual

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